Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

October 25th - Gaming auction in support of Extra Life

As part of the Windsor Gaming Resource contribution to Extra Life this year, we will be hosting a live geeky gaming auction. Anyone is welcome to attend and take part. You don't have to be a previous WGR member or be taking part in the 24 hour game-a-thon.

The auction is scheduled for October 25th at 8:00pm and will be held along side our 24 hour gaming event, at Brimstone Games.

You can find Brimstone at 3298 Walker Road in Windsor Ontario Canada.

Extra Life is an awesome worldwide 24 hour gaming event raising money for the Children's Miracle Network of Hospitals.

This our second year participating and we've upped our target to $2000! 100% of the proceeds from this auction go towards meeting (and hopefully beating) that target.

The auction items will be a mix of new and used games and some other cool geeky items. Our big ticket item is a sealed copy of the Ticket To Ride 10th Anniversary Edition. There will also be some awesome dice bags from Mercantile 519. Sealed copies of Little Devils, Crazy Creatures of Dr. Gloom, Alhambra, Smash Up, Oddball Aeronauts. A Hardcover edition of the awesome D6 steampunk Westward RPG and Azamar a D6 fantasy RPG. As well as many other items graciously donated by WGR members and some kick ass game publishers.

If you have something you would like to donate to the auction, that would be awesome. You can either bring it to the event or contact Moe Tousignant some time before the 25th.

If you are interested in supporting us in some other way, perhaps joining us for 24 hours of gaming or making a donation to the cause, check out this post for everything we are doing for Extra Life.