Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

D&D Encounters Search for the Diamond Staff starting June 12th

Dungeons & Dragons Encounters: Search for the Diamond Staff

Wednesdays; June 12, 2013 - August 14, 2013 at Hugin Munin at 6PM

Dungeons & Dragons Encounters™ is an exciting weekly program that brings players to your store to experience a D&D® campaign that plays out one epic encounter at a time. Players will defeat enemies, solve puzzles, and perform heroic deeds.

During this 10 week season, players will adventure in the Dalelands of the Forgotten Realms®. Their quest is to recover the Diamond Staff of Chomylla, a powerful elven artifact that’s been stolen by orcs. Each session only takes 1-2 hours to complete, so it’s easy for players to fit in a game after school or work. D&D Encounters is built so that players can jump in any time. It’s easy to get involved any Wednesday night.

We will be using D&D Next rules and everyone interested in participating must sign the NDA. In addition everyone is encouraged to download the latest set of playtest rules at http://www.wizards.com/dnd/DnDNext.aspx

From what I understand so far if you play in Worldwide D&D day on the 15th you can carry your character over to this event.

You can sign up by replying here, contacting the store or posting in the WGR Facebook Group.