Sabtu, 25 April 2015

Welcome to Ponyville Trailer and Casting Call

Welcome to Ponyville

Allright, so here we have another video demonstration of Welcome to Ponyville, this one mainly centring around romance, since apparently that is what you guys were most interested in (really now?). While that doesn't interest me in the slightest, the update also showcases some of the team's vocal talent for the game,  which I did not care for that much. Hopefully there will be some option to turn it off in the final game, although even if there isn't I'll still tolerate it. Still, this is shaping up to be a most interesting game, and the idea of the game's artwork being supplied by the community is one that I find quite appealing.

Also, the team is looking for even more members: most of the needed positions are for voice actors, although they are also wanting a couple more programmers. In case you are interested in helping you can read their casting call at